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Brand + Product Development 

The following report is a contemporary fashion brand I created called SOJI. SOJI is a clothing brand whose primary focus is making ‘clean’ garments--clean meaning healthy for the consumers' skin, environmentally sustainable, and ethically produced. SOJI's USP is making fashion-forward garments with probiotic fabric that benefits the largest organ of the human body, the skin. By integrating live bacteria into the fibres of clothing, you can reduce body odour, reduce allergens and encourage cell 

renewal. We want to introduce a new purpose to clothing and what it can mean to consumers in the future.

This business demonstrates my research abilities and my development process. I researched my market and developed a SWOT, PESTLE, and competitor analysis. I considered the importance of corporate social responsibility and how I could incorporate it into my own brand. Then based on my research of S/S 2021 trends, I produced a range plan and cash flow.

© 2022 by Chelsea Ma

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